Serves 6
200g (7oz) plain chocolate, 70 per cent cocoa solids, broken into pieces
80g (3oz) caster sugar
5 large eggs, separated (you will use only three of the whites)
125ml (4fl oz) extra-virgin olive oil (a fruity one, not a grassy one), plus extra to serve
1½ tbsp brandy
sea-salt flakes, to serve
Begin by melting the chocolate in bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally. (NOTE: The bottom of the bowl should not touch the water.) Leave to cool for a short time. Stir (1oz) of the sugar into the five egg yolks, and then gradually add this mixtuer to the chocolate. Slowly and steadily stir in the oil, next the brandy.
Beat three egg whites and a little salt until soft peaks form, then add the remaining sugar and keep beating until glossy. Fold the whites into the chocolate mixture with a metal spoon, making sure that there are no white streaks.
Divide the mixture between six dishes each with a capacity of (4fl oz). Cover each dish with clingfilm (or set them all in roasting-tin and cover the whole thing) and place in the fridge to firm a bit, but be careful that you don’t leave them so long that they become too firm. Check after 20 minutes. If you are making them in advance, remove from the fridge in good time.
To serve pour a little pool of olive oil on top of each mousse and sprinkle on some sea salt.
This recipe was adapted from the following website url: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/recipes/10986674/Chocolate-and-olive-oil-mousse-with-sea-salt-recipe.html